Resurrecting an Old Image

I have recently been putting together a collection of my best flower images to present a local gallery show proposal. The process has been fun, perusing over a decade of photographs in my somewhat organized Lightroom catalogs. That's when I came to this deep red-purple dahlia I photographed in 2014. I've always loved this image, but some things were distracting me from its beauty. So, with new Lightroom processing tools and skills, I tackled the raw photograph again, hoping to breathe new life into it.

Here is how I processed it back in 2014 when it was called, “Diva II”:


I didn't like how the front closest, out of focused petals, stopped my eye. And how the colors were not playing well together. I found it unsettled.

Here is the new image with a new name, "Electric Passion."


Now, I lead your eye to the center of the flower, where you can rest. Then the color harmony between the purple and red invites you to stay awhile.


Chosen by The Living School of Action and Contemplation


Prisoner of My Heart